What Are the Risks of Abortion?


Abortion is a serious procedure that comes with risks to your health. If you're considering this option for your pregnancy, it's critical to learn all you can to make an educated decision.

This article will give you the essentials you need to know about abortion. But if you want to talk to someone about your pregnancy options or learn more about free pregnancy resources, contact us today. You're not alone in this. We're here for you.

What Are the Different Types of Abortion and the Risks?

There are two types of abortion: medical (also known as the "abortion pill") and surgical.

Medical Abortion

Medical abortion is done at home, and it involves taking two powerful drugs.

The first drug, mifepristone, blocks progesterone. Without this essential hormone, your uterine lining will shed, and the pregnancy will detach and end.

The second drug, misoprostol, causes your uterus to contract, which expels the terminated pregnancy through your vagina.

After taking the abortion drugs, you will experience abdominal cramping and vaginal bleeding. Some women report that the pain is intense and beyond what they expected. These drugs also come with risks, which include:

  • Incomplete abortion, which is when parts of the terminated pregnancy remain in your uterus
  • An ongoing pregnancy if the procedure doesn't work
  • Heavy and prolonged bleeding
  • Infection
  • Fever
  • Digestive system discomfort

Surgical Abortion

Surgical abortion is done in a clinic, and it involves dilating your cervix so that medical instruments, like strong suction and scraping tools, can enter your uterus to terminate and remove the pregnancy.

Surgical abortion comes with risks, which include:

  • Uterine perforation (when one of the medical instruments pokes a hole in your uterus)
  • Uterine scarring (which can cause future infertility and painful periods)
  • Infection
  • Cervical damage
How Can I Protect My Health?

Getting an ultrasound is the number one way to protect your health—no matter what pregnancy decision you're considering. This simple scan will give you the essential details you need to know, including your pregnancy's age, location, and viability.

At Heartbeat of Lima, we offer free, limited ultrasounds and medically accurate information about your pregnancy options because we believe you deserve everything you need to make an educated decision.

Contact us today to schedule your free, confidential appointment. 

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Why Talk to Us About Abortion?
How Will Abortion Affect Me Mentally?


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Tuesday, 11 February 2025