Why Talk to Us About Abortion?


If you're unexpectedly pregnant and considering abortion, it's crucial to get all the information you can about it to safeguard your health. Abortion is a serious medical procedure, so you'll want to know about the process and the associated risks.

Heartbeat of Lima provides free pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, pregnancy options counseling, to give you the resources and support you need to make an informed decision. Contact us to learn more about how we're here to help.

Learn About Your Pregnancy

Before seeking an abortion, there are key details you should know about your pregnancy. An ultrasound scan unlocks this information.

For one, you'll want to know the gestational age of your pregnancy or how far along you are. The age of your pregnancy will determine what procedure you're eligible for. The abortion pill is only FDA-approved through 10 weeks gestation. After that, you would have to have a surgical abortion.

An ultrasound also tells you the location of your pregnancy. Normally, an embryo implants in the uterus, but in rare cases, it implants outside the uterus. This is known as an ectopic pregnancy and requires immediate medical attention that an abortion won't solve.

Lastly, an ultrasound lets you know the viability of your pregnancy. Twenty-six percent of pregnancies end in miscarriage, and, again, an abortion would not be the right course of action in this case.

Learn About Your Options

Even when they mean well, sometimes your loved ones may try to persuade you that one pregnancy choice is the right one. However, this decision is yours alone, and you should never feel forced into choosing between abortion, adoption, or parenting.

Our center offers free and confidential information about your options. We listen to your situation without judgment and never push you toward a specific choice. Plus, all of our services are free, and we have no financial interest in any decision you make.

Learn About The Risks

Experiencing a medical abortion might lead to infections or significant bleeding, while a surgical abortion could potentially harm the cervix or cause uterine perforation. We're here to inform you about all the potential risks and side effects associated with abortion.

Reach Out To Us

We're here to help you feel informed, supported, and confident about your pregnancy decision. Our services are free, so reach out to us to get help navigating your options during this critical time in your life. 

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Is Abortion or Adoption Right for Me?
What Are the Risks of Abortion?


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Tuesday, 11 February 2025